REGOLAMENTO (UE) 2021692 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO E DEL CONSIGLIO_Cittadini, uguaglianza, diritti e valori dom, 25 lug 21 REGOLAMENTO (UE) 2021692 DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO_Cittadini, uguaglianza, diritti e valori PARLAMENTO EUROPEO
Diversity management in the EU Member States-Sec. Employment dom, 25 lug 21 Diversity management in the EU Member States-Sec. Employment
Diversity management in the EU Member States dom, 25 lug 21 Diversity management in the EU Member States
EAC _ Mandate Cultural Heritage Forum _ FINAL ven, 16 lug 21 EAC _ Mandate Cultural Heritage Forum _ FINAL COMMISSIONE EUROPEA
eu_citizenship_report_2020_-_empowering_citizens_and_protecting_their_rights_en ven, 16 lug 21 eu_citizenship_report_2020_-_empowering_citizens_and_protecting_their_rights_en CITTADINI
Draft Council conclusions on the Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022 ven, 16 lug 21 Draft Council conclusions on the Work Plan for Culture 2019-2022 CONSIGLIO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA
New strategy to reinforce application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights Local and regional perspective mer, 07 lug 21 New strategy to reinforce application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights Local and regional perspective CITTADINI , PARLAMENTO EUROPEO
Report on the consultation on the the future of EU legal migration mar, 04 mag 21 Report on the consultation on the the future of EU legal migration COMMISSIONE EUROPEA
Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 mar, 04 mag 21 Action plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 COMMISSIONE EUROPEA